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September 28, 2021

Food safety is serious business but which items in your kitchen need refrigeration to stay fresh and which ones don't? Watch six pro chefs debate what they think the ideal storage is for tricky to keep items like avocados and opened red wine bottles, along with staples like bread, butter, and eggs. When the official USDA recommendations are revealed, the reactions are varied to say the least.

Director: Jeff Kornberg
Editors: Kristopher Knight (Editor) / Justin Symonds (AE)
Director of Photography: Ben Dewey & Kevin Dynia
Producer: Amanda Veitia
Associate Producer: Ness Kleino
Culinary Producer: Graciel Caces
Culinary Assistant: Jessica Do
Camera Operator: Eric Brouse & Andrew Nowak
Audio: Kurt Seery

Post Production Supervisor: Stephanie Cardone
Associate Director, Post Production: Nicole Berg
Director of Talent: Carolyn Gagnon

Bon Appetit Video Team
June Kim
Ali Inglese
Dan Siegel
Rhoda Boone
Carolyn Gagnon
Jonathan Wise
Holly Patton
Myra Rivera
Billy Keenly

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Bon Appétit is a highly opinionated food brand that wants everyone to love cooking and eating as much as we do. We believe in seasonal produce, properly salted pasta water, and developing recipes that anyone can make at home.

Pro Chefs Debate Which Foods Need Refrigeration | Chef Notes | Bon Appétit

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